Apps that help manage player budget

player budget

Do you know why online casino games and sports betting, like the ones found at Bodog, are called gambling? Because, although many of them require certain skills from the players, the final result always depends on chance, or luck, if you prefer to call it that.

Many betting experts talk about “responsible gambling”, which is the behavior that is expected of a bettor. The practice of responsible gambling requires control over gambling expenses so that it is always a leisure and entertainment activity, and that it never harms the player’s financial, social and mental health.

The good news is that technology can be a great ally for this practice, since the use of financial control applications makes a difference when it comes to organizing expenses. Here we will indicate some applications that are highly valued by users, and we hope that they will be useful to you! is one of the most popular apps for organizing personal finances.

The app allows you to categorize your spending, which is ideal for casino players, as well as easily view reports that show you where you spend the most, as well as tips on how to save and reach your goals. is available for Android and iOS systems, as well as having a paid and a free version. Navigation is easy and allows you to receive activity alerts and schedule financial reminders.



Another well-valued application is Fortuno, which manages expenses in a simple way. In it you can record monthly, weekly and daily expenses, as well as record income, credit card bills, etc. You can provide the app with information about gaming expenses and it will automatically display the remaining balance on the screen.

It also generates reports with graphs that facilitate the visualization of all financial movements. Fortuno is available for mobile devices with Android system; those using Apple devices will have to wait a little longer to download it.

My money

With the Meu Dinheiro application you can manage your personal finances and even those of a small business. The register of accounts payable and receivable allows you to separate them by categories and subcategories, which allows you to make a special budget for your gaming expenses.

Meu Dinheiro reminds you to pay your bills and even allows you to attach files as proof of payment. The application can be used for free and is available for Android and iOS systems.

Minhas Finanças

The Minhas Finanças application is one of the best valued, not only for the tools it offers, but also for being for life. You only need to pay once and it will be available forever!

It has all the essential features for financial organization and imports notifications from applications such as Nubank, Itaú, Bradesco, Caixa Econômica Federal and others.

The application offers a calendar so that you can see, throughout the month, how your expenses are distributed, which is extremely interesting for players like us, right? It is available for all mobile devices.

Simple Financial Control

Simple Financial Control

As its name implies, this app offers a simple way of financial control.

You can set an amount available to spend during the month and keep track of the remaining balance as you learn about your spending. But you can also not establish a value, and continue with the report of the expenses incurred.

The app has a clean design, and adding, deleting, and editing accounts payable and receivable is done in just a few steps, which means you can power the app while you play. It is compatible with iOS and Android systems.

Our evaluation

We understand the importance of financial control of games through smartphone applications, after all, the control and the inclusion of information can be done in real time. There are applications that offer more functions if you pay for them, but we recommend that you check your real need to have access to many tools and test with some of them.

You can trust their security because these applications are the best valued and thousands of people already use them. Gambling is, without a doubt, one of the best forms of entertainment today, and for this activity to never stop being pleasant, control of personal finances is essential.

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