Zappit Blackjack vs. The New Blackjack: differences and similarities

Zappit Blackjack

Poker is a fascinating game, both because of the possibility of raising the bets and because of the possibility, or better, the necessity, of using a bluff. By allowing many game variations, many ways to play, and an infinite number of bets, blackjack has stood the test of time and gained more and more fans.

In today’s article we will look at two new features on the Bodog platform: Zappit Blackjack and The New Blackjack. We will make comparisons between them and we will try to show the differences and similarities between the games, indicating which is the best for each player profile.

Appearance of The New Blackjack and Zappit Blackjack

Both games are very careful in terms of attention to detail, both in graphics and sounds; however we can find some differences. The New Blackjack has a classic look, which has been tastefully revamped. You can say that it would be like being in a traditional casino that has been recently renovated, receiving new carpets and polished metal.

Zappit Blackjack has a bolder look, with a youthful air. Its visual effects have been well thought out, notably the valuable morph animation of the cards when the player presses the Zap button.



Both versions of online blackjack, Zappit Blackjack and The New Blackjack, play the same way and follow the original script. The player competes with the bank, represented by the dealer. The game takes place through the acquisition of cards by the player, who must try to reach the sum of 21 points.

Both forms of blackjack are played with six decks. The cards are counted as follows: cards from 2 to 10 have the same value as their numbers; that is, a 2 is worth 2 points, a 7 is worth 7 points, and so on.

The cards with figures and letters; that is, the queen represented by the Q, the jack represented by the J and the king represented by the K, will be worth 10 points. The ace, on the other hand, is a unique card in the deck and can assume two values: either it will be worth only 1 point, or it will be worth 11 points, depending on the player’s choice and the play.


By having the Zap functionality, the way to bet and how to play in Zappit Blackjack is quite different from the way to play and how to bet in The New Blackjack.

Experienced players know the problems of forming a bad score with the first two cards, which are usually 15, 16, and 17 points. With this sum, the players respectively have a 58%, 62% and 69% chance of exceeding the sum of 21 points.

Therefore, a player playing The New Blackjack will have to stick to his fixed strategy, hit, stand, split or even fold and take half of his bet. If the player is playing Zappit Blackjack, he will be able to choose between carrying out his strategy or pressing the Zap button and thus exchanging his two cards for others.

Another difference in Zappit Blackjack is the possibility of obtaining a guarantee; if the dealer’s up card is an ace, the player can make a side bet called a “guarantee”: an additional bet, made for half the amount of the initial bet and placed on the table. If the dealer has a blackjack, the house pays the guarantee bet at 2 to 1.

Betting on Zappit Blackjack and The New Blackjack

Betting on Zappit Blackjack

In both games there is a wide range of bet values. In The New Blackjack the minimum bet is $1 and the maximum is $2500, while in Zappit Blackjack the minimum bet is $1 and the maximum is $500.

The payments

The payouts for both games are done in the classic way: blackjack pays 3 to 2, insurance pays 2 to 1.

The difference between the payouts is due to the Zap functionality. If the player has used this functionality to switch their cards with lightning bolts, the payout will be split, and if the player Zap and beat the dealer, the payout will be one for one. This same ratio will apply if the player has chosen to split his cards of equal value.

Lots of blackjack options

Did you like this review? Do you already know which is the best blackjack for you? What did you think of the Zap functionality? Are you a player who stays true to his strategy and is able to deal with the stress of high value cards, or do you prefer to just trade your cards and move on to a new game?

Even if you have already established your profile and have chosen your favorite game, it is always worth learning about other games and discovering new adventures. Good luck and good game.

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